is an international educational project
for developing financial thinking, unlocking inner potential and self-realization, finding a life path and purpose, as well as harmony in relationships and within oneself.
Styly academy
Styly academy
Mayya Hess
Project Founder
Motivational and business coach, therapist, mentor
and Theta Healing practitioner.
I have a degree in Economics.

100 successful Ukrainians (Ukraine 2019)
International motivation coach (Milan 2018)
Business woman of the year (Europe 2017)
Woman of the Year (Ukraine 2016)
Project of the year Styly (Ukraine 2016)

Maya conducted more than 10 international personal master classes in the magic beauty day format by experts from various fields in Paris, Milan, Dubai, Warsaw, Krakow, Berlin, and Budapest. She has visited 43 countries in the world and plans to visit 100 for the next 10 years. She has experience in signing exclusive international long-term contracts in London, Milan, Paris, and Poland.
I help people to become self-fulfilled and feel confident in themselves.