Personal consultation
Personal coaching and coaching consultations
My friends, I am glad to welcome you at my website.
I'm Mayya Hess, economist, coach-therapist, expert
in work on metaphorical associative maps, and thetahealing.
I help people to become confident and fulfilled.
Личный коучинг и коуч-консультации
Друзья, рада приветствовать вас на моем сайте.

Я, Леонтьева Майя – экономист,
коуч-терапевт, эксперт в работе
по метафорическим ассоциативным картам, системным расстановкам и тетахилингу.
Я помогаю людям стать уверенными
в себе и реализованными в любимом деле

In personal coaching I help with:
Money and business
• how to increase your income
• what attitudes, blocks, stereotypes, and beliefs affect your prosperity
• how to determine your financial ceiling
• how to understand what mental programs limit me
• how to understand whether to build a business on your own or go to work as an employee
• how to make a financial cushion and a passive income
• how to interact with subordinates and become a leader
Finding a perpose
• who do you want to be and what do you want to do
• what to do if you don't know what do want to do
• how to find a job you like
• how to open your own business
• how to understand in what area you could be successful
• how to find and work in tthe dream team
• how to bring your business to a new level of income
• how to build a happy relationship
• how to live without resentment and claims
• how to have a happy family
• love triangle, how to understand the reasons of a partner cheating and how to live after
• problems with parents, how to find an understaning
with parents and partner
• how to understand your child and become his/her friend
These are the most common coaching requests,
but if you don't find your question, please message me at Whatsapp or Viber.

I'll be happy to help you and answer your questions!
Это самые распространенные запросы на коуч консультации, но если вы не видите тему вашего вопроса - пожалуйста, напишите мне
в Whatsapp / Viber Direct,
и я с удовольствием
подскажу, могу ли быть вам полезна
100 €
1 express session

up to 30 minutes
150 €
1 coaching consultation

from 45 minutes
up to 1.5 hours
600 €
5 coaching sessions

1 hour each
1 time per week
If you have a request or question, please sign up for an individual session

Consultations are held in on-line format in Skype, WhatsApp or Viber. Or we could choose any other platform to communicate.
We will pick a date.

On the consultation you:

will find root causes of your problem

make an action plan to improve the situation

determine how to solve your issue/request step by step

get the tools that will help you

understand your strengths
Send a request by phone
for the first consultation, it's free!

(and last about 20 minutes)
We will contact you to clarify your question
Refund Policy:
The refund is not provided.

Terms and conditions:
The client is allowed to transfer payment in any way provided on the website. Services are provided by the terms determined at the courses and consultations. The client is allowed to take the course in any country in the world at a convenient time, having Internet access.

PE Leontyeva Maya Vladimirovna
ITN 2887805441

Legal and actual address:
Sofiyivska Borshchagovka, Academician Shalimov St., 69-a, apt. 106